• Peak Test Management Suite

    Plan and control your test activities and resources

Increase the optimal use of your testing resources and avoid downtime with a Test Lab Management system from Peak Solution

Peak Test Management Suite is a flexible and scalable multidimensional Test Lab Management system allowing you to plan all test activities and resources in your test environment without conflict.

Based on freely configurable templates (no code) and self-definable business rules (low code), our Test Lab Management system supports you in describing, commissioning and managing test projects and test requests.

As a test planner, you can plan all activities related to a test on multidimensional planning board, such as test preparation, measuring equipment calibration, test execution or measurement system maintenance. In this way, you can make optimal use of available test resources and avoid downtime.

Using a standardized REST interface, all data in the Test Lab Management system is accessible from 3rd party systems. This simplifies the integration of Peak Test Management Suite into your company's existing IT system landscape. 


Your benefits from using Peak Test Management Suite for Test Lab Management

Peak Test Management Suite (PeakTMS) enables you to transparently plan and control all your test activities and resources in your test labs globally.

 Global application

Connect the planning of your test labs all over the world

 Resource Utilization

Increase the utilization of your test resources to safe testing costs.

 Web based

Use our convenient web application from anywhere

 Expert client

Use the expert client for advance operations and bulk editing

 Project and test activity

Plan your projects and test activities


Notify stakeholders of updates and necessary actions

 Test Data Management

Integrate your test process with Peak Test Data Manager


Enable stakeholders to request test activities online


Secure all relevant process data against unauthorized use

 Resource scheduling

Schedule your resource in planning calendars

Key Performance Indicators

Create and track metrics on utilization and throughput times


Control the progress of the test process with the status engine


These components of Peak Test Management Suite make the difference in your Test Lab Management

Manage your relevant test resources

PeakTMS will help you to manage different types of test resources centrally and save any given information on the individual resources. Examples include location, technical features, availability as well as calibration and maintenance status. Additional documents such as assembly regulations, device diagrams or test reports can be added at any time and shared by all relevant members of the test lab.

Use flexible templates for all test lab activities

PeakTMS provides free definable templates for different types of test orders (e.g. test bench orders, factory orders, procurement orders, assembly orders, upgrade orders, etc.) or internal test lab activities (e.g. maintenance, calibration, inspection etc.). Therefore TMS makes sures that for different activities only relevant information are to be entered.

Plan your test projects and tests

PeakTMS helps you to plan all your activities on different levels like Project level, Test series level, Test level and Task level. It indicates the availability of the required resources and provides you with convenient functions for conflict-free planning of the individual test tasks. Adjustable algorithms help you to find the optimum test sequences in complex framework conditions.

Planning calendars for the different types of test resources (e.g. Test bench, Equipment) as well as the display of all resources required for a test ensure the required transparency.

Optimize your test resource scheduling

PeakTMS provides test planners diverse calendar views which help to see the current planning in tests and offers a convenient drag & drop planning. Here planners can create plans for the usage of test resources like test benches, samples, dummies, mobile equipment and any other resources. Availability checks and conflicts alerts help to always schedule the right test equipment for the right test.

Define and control your test process

PeakTMS offers a status engine where each test process with its specific status can be modelled. The transition between different status (e.g. from planned to in preparation) are ideal points in which information can be checked, revised and eventually approved or rejected. 

Inform stake holder in the test process

PeakTMS included customizable mail notification component. For different events in the testing process participating stakeholders can be informed automatically. The emails may include any information which are stored to the test in TMS.

Secure all processed data in your test labs

The TMS permission model ensures, that only authorized user are able to see, edit or forward test activities and test resources. Permissions can be set on project level, location level as well as on test type and resource type level.

Populate and track your KPIs

PeakTMS  offers the planner the historical, present and planned utilization for all relevant test resources of the testing department at any time directly in the applications based on the TMS standard algorithm.

For calculating more specific KPIs tailormade data views can be directly processed by the business analysis tool of your choice, such as MS Excel, Power BI Tableau and any other.

Run your test management in the cloud

With PeakTMS you can run your test management in the cloud. Docker images and Kubernetes containers allow the horizontal and vertical scalability of your system on cloud platforms such as Microsoft Azure or Amazon AWS.

Integrate with Peak Test Data Manager

Measured data is worthless without meta data which describes the testing context Peak TMS integrates seamless with Peak Test Data Manager to transfer all relevant meta data into the ODS repository during the planning and preparation. Enjoy the seamless integration of your test and test data management.


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